Saturday, August 11, 2012

Getting through the storm.

 Today has been one week since the boys have been gone. By far the weirdest week to adjust to.  This morning I decided to change my blog pictures and profile for the story of our lives have changed. We are still in this journey to adoption and pray for what God has in store for our family.

I also wanted to change the pictures because the boys are now part of a different family and doing life there. So although they will always be apart of our family and story I just felt like it was the right thing to do.

Today I pray for the ones that will be in the boys lives now and taking care of them. God delivered me from my cold heart towards them I want to pray over them that they find Jesus and do right by the boys.  Sometimes in this life you will feel like you have been given the biggest storm of your lives and you can't get through them but allow God to work through you.

Gods love is always the same never changing even in the storm. God knew this whole time how this was going to play out and he would be right there to hold our hands through it. Don't hold grudges against something you can not change instead embrace in how you will handle it.

Psalms 55:22
Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will not let the righteous fall.

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