I think by now you probably get that our family is always up to something. I usually don't go planning these crazy schemes but our life has been quite a adventure I'll say. When we wanted to make a change out of the same mundane of life we were doing boy did that happen. Our lives were changed forever. 6 kids later 3 moves 2 new jobs, a move across state. Living in limbo during this time hasn't been easy mentally that's for sure. This year by far marks it in the books for us. Our boys were adopted in January and we moved that night away from everything we always knew.
We moved into a new beautiful home met some incredible people, BUT something wasn't right.
We took on this new adventure God had opened doors to. We left our hometown to go see what it was like for our family.
I must say I think a part of a lot people wish if they had the chance they would leave somewhere they only ever knew.
And that's what we did, New school, new church, new friends, new neighbors. We lived in a great city had a lot to offer. But we still didn't feel settled.
Now having 8 kids and taking all of them from everything they knew seemed to be OK for our family. I met some incredible people who I know now I will have forever friendships with.
Then one day I woke up and was toying is this where we want to be and raise our family?
I mean we had only been there 5 months already How could I really know?
I knew as Mom and wife that it was not the place for us. I mean this beautiful city has everything you need of convenience. So many things for family's,kids ect... Amazing schools so many it hard to choose from. Our home is beautiful with a pool in a great neighborhood why would we leave that? Then it all revealed to me as much as I wanted the change of Newness I longed for and craved for the Familiar. But how was I ever going to share this with Ty? I would sound completely
insane and it would never work to move back home. We just moved 5months ago across state with 6 kids and went through a lot to get here. So one evening we were sitting on our bedroom floor talking and I just brought it up. I told him How I thought this wasn't the place for us and Our family should be back home. He looked at me and told me he felt the same exact way. I took the deepest breath ever because that was not what I was expecting. We prayed about it and had no clue how it would work but just prayed. During this time I was working through some hard stuff I had to work out in myself. Why was I wanting to move? What is my happiness based on? Is GOD enough if we don't get to move?
So fast forwarding a month later I dealt with one of the hardest things I have gone through loosing my Grandma Mary. That was really tough being away from family.
So here is the thing I know people move all the time and so many are away from family. That we shouldn't move just because our family is there because one day they won't be same with friends. But I tell you what if we were given the chance to be back with our family and friends we were going to take it. The kids and I left late may back home to attend my Grandma's service and to be with family. During this time Tyler got a call for a position that was opening. We couldn't of been more excited. He had the interview and we found out that week he got the job. GOD be all The Glory. Not only was it an amazing opportunity we would be home and he would have the same schedule too. No on call or work weekends anymore and financially better for us.
So we made the final decision for the kids and I to stay back for 3 weeks rather than going back to Az and moving back and forth. Hardest part was not saying goodbye face to face to a couple people. I knew they would understand and we wouldn't loose touch.
That's why if you have kept up with us and see no Ty in any pics is he has been back home packing us all up. The kids and I have lived with all sets of Grandparents. Very grateful for that because taking us on is a lot. The kids could not be anymore excited to be moving home. Just seeing them thrive with cousins and Grandparents, friends all around is more than I ever thought. There is just something being with family...Realizing the very small small stuff we took for granted is what mattered most to us. Even if that means I am a hour away from every convenience. lol We learned more about our selves, kids and marriage these past 6 months than I ever thought I could know.
Today we move into our new house in the country although we will miss our pool.
God has big things planned for our family and watch out because I know he isn't moving us back just for nothing. He has definitely revealed somethings that we are excited about. So stay tuned.
I know I know crazy yet again moving. We should just invest in a moving company. lol

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