Monday, October 7, 2013

New Adventure...

You know those life changes that happen the kind that you never might of considered.
Our life change began almost 3 years ago we left our home church been there 7 years as youth leaders.With no reason at all for leaving just felt like it was time for our family not knowing where we would go or attend. Then we found our new church home it felt like this is where we were supposed to be our church home surrounded with loving people accepting us. T.y and I got plugged in right away with the church the people our pastor and his wife. Growing relationships with some amazing people that will be life long. All of you have kept up with us on our crazy life Journey. A calling to Love the orphans and to fully live out for God. We have lost friends, relationships along the way life change isn't always easy for people to accept. Tyler and I have both lived in the same town our  our whole lives with never leaving or planning of moving in sight. A small town where you know everyone and they know you well at least they think they do.
ALL Grand parents in 10 minutes driving range. A support system from our family and some friends  to help out with our kids. 3 years ago we went to visit some good friends of ours and didn't understand why they moved and we spent a couple days with them and on the way home Ty and I both felt like is our hometown where we are going to raise our family forever? And you know what the answer was no and we wanted to see what  God had for us.

                                      So the news is The NAPIER'S are MOVING!!!!

Tyler was offered a great job , that's right a whole different world from our small town that we are not used to. We have been blessed with  Tyler's job he has worked hard for his way up and has been there 12 years. Leaving a job is never easy especially if you like where you work and he truly does. Then you ask yourselves why would you want to move with a great job and all your family is here? Well why not? We decided we can't let comfort stop us from fulfilling a dream because it will. We have wrestled all of that all the reasons not to do it but it is a dream of ours to be able to move and Tyler will start at a great new job also.  The craziest part is it isn't even more money its actually less but here is the biggest ticker, he will just be a 8-4:30 m-f guy. These past 12 years he has worked every other weekend and been on call. There have been sometimes where he gets called out at all the wrong times but it is just what came with the job. I know there are jobs where that's just how it is but he has put himself out there for the opportunity and he wont be doing that. We don't even know what that is like to have him home on the weekends knowing he wont have to go into work.

 Our lives are beginning to change once again and we are excited scared all of it.I mean we know everyone in this little town well just about. We are embarking on a journey of not knowing anyone yes a small handful of people but that's it.No one will know our story who we are just that we will be new and you know what I really like that.  My girls will be the new kids at school making friends. CHANGE is good, our family will have to rely on each other more than we ever have.Leaving what you only know is not easy. Having to tell close friends and family was hard but having their support is even better.

Now is the time where I am pleading to you for prayer. Our boys adoption is not final and we don't have any clue right now when it will be. There is an appeal in the case that we are waiting on and it is holding the whole process back and this isn't a good thing at all. We could take the boys with us unadopted but will have to start the whole process over there and that is a long process to do over. So after praying and really talking about it. We decided that Tyler will go and the kids and I are staying back for right now.I know it is going to be hard he is going to live with our friends who are totally blessing us by letting him stay there. . We are praying so hard that the appeal is heard before he leaves.  Then we will  know when we can start the adoption process. Ty will come home home every 2 weeks it is a 7 hour drive.We know this is only temporary and are going to make the best of it. Please pray with us on this appeal to be denied and the process getting started we could be waiting for who knows how long they can't give us any answers where the appeal is at in the case. Also please pray  for this Mama and her six kiddos that I can do my best and I am grateful to all my help.       
               I wanted to end with this I think sometimes we stop Dreaming because we feel like it could never be possible but don't stop dreaming God gives you the desires of your heart maybe not exactly how you want but he does. God has always been faithful through our whole journey even in the deepest pits.
                                                    We are going out on faith and trusting in him.

                                                 I encourage you to read Psalms 37: 3-4
                            I could put it down but look it up spend some time in it.
 I hope it  can be encouraging to you today

1 comment:

  1. I know this is an older post but you inspire me so I come here every so often to reread and let your life lessons sink in to my brain. I love how you listen to what God tells you to do whether it is comfortable for you or not and that is what I need to do more. May God Bless you and your family.
