It has been a long time since I last wrote in my Journal...
That's what it is, I blog but this is more like a personal journal I share with you all. I hope you had a great summer, you probably were busy with life and things. This summer we kept busy through the whole summer. Our family was on the adventure path for sure. We went camping at the beach, which is by far one of our favorites for this big family. Camping is the cheapest for us to plan. We spent a week at the beach house which is a family tradition that we all look forward to all year. Ty and I had our anniversary trip to Laguna, which was much needed. Oh... and we moved again, we do that a lot. Of course we took the kids to the pool too much. This summer we went to Mammoth with some friends who need an applause, who put up with this family in a cabin for a weekend, was by far a favorite trip. We did many day trips to the beach. We got the new house in order and all organized because you know we have that disease where everything is hung the day you move in. So while you probably saw pictures of us every where busy and having a good time, we really did. Kids were great! Vacationing with six kids isn't what people think. Yes, there is more noise and more food, but it works. You see Ty and I run a tight ship anyway so when we are on vacation rules and structure still apply. Yet when we are on vacation we are escaping the reality that being home is much harder. There is real life, bills, responsibilities and work to be done. So being on vacation for our family almost gives us a tiny piece of normalcy. We don't have these huge responsibilities like we do at home and Ty and I are almost able to relax. To the person reading this you may think, "Heck NO, vacationing with six kids sounds like hell". But for us it's our piece of Heaven. This is why I know this summer we sought out to be gone often, because the reality is being at home is way too overwhelming at times. We sometimes don't feel equipped to handle what God has brought into our home. We just do what we think is best for our family and vacationing for this family is good. After summer was coming to an end, we realized why we didn't want to be home.
Wondering how we ever got to this place where we didn't want to be around what is supposed to be familiar and normal. Our normal is different and I think even after two and half years we sometimes don't get it. This wolf pack is literally a full blown circus through out the year. We have different personalities trying to blend together and the constant task of being there for one another during the other ones activities and sports. It's almost like summer helps rejuvenate all of us for what we have ahead. So now that this is our new normal, vacationing will be part of that, even if it looks crazy and hard work. With that being said, go on a vacation with your family and make some memories because in the end it is all you have, not stuff but memories, good and bad. I'm so excited to be back and keeping you all in touch of what goes on in this Nest.
XOXO Michelle

XOXO Michelle