WARNING.... This blog you may need tissues after reading.

Friday January 31st, I woke up in a utter excitement I can't even explain not only was my husband home from us being apart 3 months and I wasn't going to be single parenting to 6. This day was something I had only envisioned and dreamed about for 3 years. I thought i was ready for it a couple of times but God knew what he was doing even when I didn't. All I could think about was that my three boys were going to be ours. I mean we thought they were but this day marked the day. A day when we would no longer be with social workers, paperwork, someone looking over your shoulders the one worry always in the back of our minds are they staying or going. Ty and I were packing all that morning and couldn't stop talking about how in just a couple hours we were going to have 3 boys. Because if you didn't know we were also moving out of California that night also. When we Napier's do something we go all out "obviously" we are crazy. So we got the girls dressed up and I wanted my boys to look dapper so they all wore bow ties but the best was when their Daddy wore his to match. We have had so many friends and family on this crazy 3 year journey with us. I can't even explain to you that made a huge impact on us. It was walking to the court and seeing how many people came to witness our boys becoming Napier's. One of our friends drove 5 hours just to be there. during this process sometimes you feel alone but on this day God showed us how much our family means to others. Our group that came that day filled the whole top floor of the court room, the sheriff said" this is the most he had ever seen." Ty and I could not believe it we were overwhelmed by the love and compassion everyone had for our family especially our boys.

It came time and they called us back and I couldn't stop smiling I couldn't even cry because I was overwhelmed by JOY this was really happening.Ty with tears forming in his eyes. he couldn't hold it back. Our three boys were going to have a forever family. A chance of really knowing the love of a family no foster homes no in and out of inconsistency. The judge asked us to come forward and sit and asked us questions. I was so excited i would answer before he was done.lol He even told me hold on. I just couldn't help it. Then he asked us to stand and asked us if we promise to take them on until their adult age with whatever comes with that, We proudly said yes!!!! Then he said I know declare them as
Nixon Caleb Napier, Kai Josiah Napier, and Talon James Napier. Everyone in that court room cheered, clapped not a dry eye in there. These three boys no longer left as orphans of the state.

The girls were so excited saying you are our brothers you are Napier's now. The Napier name will go on, how neat is that. Now just know it was a amazing day and we are so grateful to God for this but I just want to completely honest. Adoption is hard, it is a blessing and beautiful but it is also ugly, tiresome and not for the weak. Yes our boys are now Napier's yet we still struggle with the struggles they have from what they have been through. Our three boys still have a long way to go and have come far but still will deal with issues of their young upbringing before they came to us.
I just can't believe they are my sons. Never did I imagine I would have boys little lone 3 of them. I do love them so even when they make me want to scream and hide. They never asked to be orpahns but I am so grateful God placed me to be their MOMMY. When they do have troubles and struggle I will be their voice and fight for them and they will always know they were wanted.
Because with adoption there is always loss, they do have 2 birth parents we don't know them or anything about them really. I can't even imagine what they may have gone through. I am grateful to their Mom for choosing life because she did there are three sweet boys with the biggest brown eyes who can melt your heart. Our boys will always know they are adopted it will never be a secret. When they get older we will tell them their gotcha day story and as they get older age appropriate, tell them more. My boys know they grew in my heart and not in my belly. When they go to school they will bring cupcakes and read a adoption book to kids at school January 31st is their gotcha day. It isn't to make them stick out but to make kids aware that adoption isn't a weird thing and they may not look like their daddy just Mommy..lol but they are apart of their family just as much as their sisters. Blood doesn't make you a family we are testaments to that.
Gods goodness is overwhelming he has blessed us more than we deserve. In the pits of hell we went through he was there with us through it all and he knew how it would end up. My boys were planned out for our family before I even thought I knew. Don't give up on God because he NEVER gives up on you.
I want to share the verse that means so much to me I got it tattooed on my arm
For we are is workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10